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Dead Space 2: svelata la lista degli Obiettivi Sbloccabili

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CAT_IMG Posted on 14/12/2010, 11:11     +1   -1

Patrizio Masini




I curatori del portale monotematico Xbox360Achievements hanno pubblicato la lista non ufficiale (ma attendibile al 99,9%) degli obiettivi sbloccabili di Dead Space 2 nella sua versione X360 che, come ben sapranno i videogiocatori piů navigati, sono praticamente gli stessi necessari per acquisire i vari Trofei dell’edizione destinata all’utenza PS3 (fatta la dovuta tara tra il volume di “punti obiettivo” conseguiti da un lato con l’importanza dei trofei sbloccati dall’altro).

Dei 50 obiettivi (35 noti, 15 segreti) necessari per aggiungere alla propria Gamertag i fatidici 1000 punti che rappresentano idealmente il completamento di ogni singolo aspetto della prossima avventura fanta-horror di Visceral Games, troviamo attivitŕ “classiche” come la raccolta dei vari oggetti collezionabili della campagna in singolo alternate ad azioni decisamente piů cruente come quella descritta in “Skewered in Space”: impala un nemico sulla sporgenza di una finestra, fai esplodere il vetro e guarda il povero Necromorfo schizzare nell’immensitŕ dell’universo come un’anguria squarciata da un martello pneumatico. Mica facile la vita nello spazio!

Dead Space 2, le sue sadiche uccisioni e i suoi obiettivi/trofei ci attendono il 28 gennaio 2011 su PC, PlayStation 3 ed Xbox 360. Seguiteci dopo la pausa per osservare la lista dei 35 achievements noti (scremati dei 15 obiettivi a forte rischio spoiler e lasciati in inglese per evitarne la lettura accidentale a chi non vorrŕ rovinarsi in alcun modo il piacere della scoperta).

Dead Space 2: Obiettivi Sbloccabili

Mission Impossible 50
Complete the game on Zealot setting

Romper Stomper 25
Stomp 10 Containers

Vacuum Cleaner 30
Decompress 20 Necromorphs without getting sucked out yourself

Made Us Whole 10
Complete the game on any difficulty setting

Frozen in Time 10
Kill 50 Necromorphs while they are in Stasis (single player only)

First Aid 10
Use Quick Heal ten times (single player only)

Epic Dismemberment 50
Dismember 2,500 Necromorph Limbs (single player only)

…And Stay Down 10
Kill 25 crawling enemies with Stomp (single player only)

Think Fast 15
Kill 30 Necromorphs with Kinesis objects

The Nanny 10
Kill 30 Crawlers without detonating them

C-Section 10
Knock down an enemy with Contact Beam Alt-Fire then kill it with Primary Fire before it stands up

Going for Distance 20
Impale an enemy and make him fly through the air for 17 meters - it must stick to the surface

Taste of your own Medicine 20
TK Impale a live Slasher to a surface using a Slasher’s arm - it must stick to the surface

It’s a Trap! 20
Kill 20 enemies with Detonator Mines in a deployed state

Necro Flambé 10
Kill 50 enemies using the Flamethrower

Peek a Boo! 20
Kill a Stalker with the Seeker Rifle while in Zoom Mode

Brute Juke 10
Kill a Brute without taking damage

Shoot the Limbs! 10
Dismember 25 Necromorph Limbs (single player only)

Bouncing Betty 10
Kill a Cyst by catching its Mine and throwing it back

Skewered in Space 15
Impale an enemy into a Decompression Window to cause it to blow out

Hard to the Core 50
Complete the game on Hard Core setting

Clean Cut 10
Sever all three tentacles of a Lurker with one Line Gun Primary Fire shot (single player only)

Lawnmower Man 10
Kill 4 enemies with the same Ripper blade

Fully Loaded 50
Simultaneously have four completely upgraded weapons

The Sampler Platter 20
Kill a Necromorph with every Weapon in the game (single player only)

Lightspeed de Milo 10
Dismember the Lightspeed Boy Statue

Looking good 10
Purchase the Advanced Suit

Fully Outfitted 30
Upgrade your RIG and Stasis completely

Picking favorites 30
Upgrade 1 Weapon completely

The Engineer 10
Collect 10 Schematics

My Boom Stick 20
Kill 6 enemies at once with Line Gun’s Alt-Fire (single player only)

Shock Therapy 10
Impale an enemy with the Javelin Gun and use its Alt-Fire to shock 3 others (single player only)

Collect Peng 20
Find the Peng treasure

The Librarian 10
Collect 100 logs

The Electrician 10
Collect 10 Semiconductors
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